About Us

We started Just Farm Apparel with inspiration from our dad who passed away from brain cancer. He instilled in us a love for antique farm machinery and showed us the value of working hard for what you want in life. His birthday was April 8th, hence the ear tags numbered 408 on our steer designs in his memory.

Both of our parents grew up farming as children and encouraged us to be involved in the industry. Luckily today, we are more involved with farming than ever. From inspiration from family and friends, we wanted to start a company that supports this lifestyle. Our company isn’t just following the newest fashion trends or inspired by a TV show, this is real life for us. Our designs are custom and hand-made, so they can’t be found anywhere else. Our steer that we use in our designs is inspired by one of our own favorite steers who had earned the name, “Big Red.”

Whatever type of farming you do, however large or small your operations are, you know the tradition and heritage is at risk. We want our children to be able to farm, and that’s why we don't want to let it die.